Obtaining your cosmetology licence in Iowa is only one step towards a thriving career. The state’s regulatory board requires you to renew your licence every few years to keep it. For some, this isn’t pleasant, but if you think about it more closely, doing so has lots of benefits for your profession. To begin with, you’ll be more competitive and it also gives your clients more confidence in your skills.

But there are lots of other reasons why you’d want to renew your licence. This post, however, isn’t about that. It’s about what you should know before jumping into the renewal process, so stick around to learn more.

What Are the Most Important Details?

Though every piece of information about the renewal process is crucial for success, some do really stand out. A good example is the renewal deadline, which in this case is March 31st, in the year when your licence is supposed to expire. During the two years when your licence is active, you’re supposed to take a state-approved Iowa Cosmetology License Renewal continuing education course from a reputable provider like RocketCert to refresh and expand your knowledge of the crucial information in your industry.

Continuing your education means you’ll learn the latest in cosmetology practices, professional conduct, safety regulations, and other crucial elements.

Detailed Continuing Education Requirements

As mentioned before, you’re required to complete 6 hours of continuing education before submitting your renewal application. However, there are some important details to take note of. The first is that you’re not required to take a CE course during the first renewal period immediately after receiving your licence.

From here, you’ll have to earn CE hours which vary depending on the number of licences you hold.

  • One Licence

If you’ve only got a single active licence related to barbering and cosmetology, you’ll need a total of 6 CE hours. 4 of these must be on specific topics in your licence discipline. The remaining 2 can be from other topics related to infection control, rules, and the laws that govern barbering and cosmetology in Iowa.

  • Two Licences

For professionals with two active licences in the barbering and cosmetology arts & sciences field, you need to earn 10 hours of continuing education. These include 4 hours specific to each licence’s discipline, and a minimum of 2 hours covering rules, laws, and infection control.

  • Three Licences

You can have three active licences in cosmetology arts & sciences, in which case you will need 14 hours of continuing education. These should be made up of 4 hours dedicated to each licence’s field, resulting in a total of 12 hours. The remaining 2 hours should be spent on infection control, and Iowa barbering and cosmetology rules and laws.

Renewal Fee

Earning the required CE credits isn’t the only requirement you should meet to qualify for a cosmetology licence renewal in Iowa. You’re also required to pay a renewal fee, which is currently at $60. After submitting your renewal application and processing fee, you can await confirmation and your renewed licence.

What Happens if You Don’t Renew on Time?

Failure to renew your licence after it has expired doesn’t mean you’ll have to acquire a new one immediately, fortunately. There is a 30-day grace period during which you can renew your licence, albeit with a $60 late fee.

Don’t Struggle When There’s Help Around!

Renewing your cosmetology licence in Iowa should be a pretty straightforward process, but this can easily change from one person to the next, and also depending on your unique situation. RocketCert, as one of the leading continuing education course providers, has experts to guide you whenever you feel stuck.

So whether you’re trying to meet your CE requirements or you just have a general question regarding the renewal process, feel free to reach out.

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