Tilak has great importance in Hinduism. This Tilak, which tells the complete identity of any tradition from worship, not only has its own religious importance, but by adopting simple and effective measures related to it, you can turn your misfortune into good fortune. There are 7 subtle energy centers in our body, which have immense power reserves, these are called Chakra. There is Atmiya Chakra in the middle of our brain, on this Chakra, three nerves of our body, Ada, Pingala, Shushanuta, all three meet. That is why it is considered an important place in our body, that is why Tilak is applied in the middle of the forehead.. This keeps our brain calm. According to Indian culture, there are both Vedic and scientific bases for applying Tilak on the forehead. On Vedic basis, applying Tilak is a sign of respect.

Apart from this, Tilak is also applied at the time of Aarti, Puja etc. in the temple. In Indian culture, any work is considered incomplete without Tilak. The scientific reason behind applying tilak is that applying tilak lightens the load on the brain. And the mind becomes calm. There is no pain in the brain and the memory power increases.

Religious importance of tilak

The tilak used during worship in the Sanatan tradition has religious-spiritual importance. By looking at the tilak on the forehead of each person, you can know his entire religious tradition. Like Shaivites, Vaishnavites etc. apply different types of tilak. This tilak is not only used for religious worship, but it is also used for the auspiciousness of the nine planets. Let us know in detail about this sacred and auspicious tilak. It is believed that applying tilak after worship in the temple brings blessings of God. It is said that Lord Vishnu himself resides in the middle of the human forehead. Therefore, tilak is applied at this place. Applying tilak is also considered useful from a psychological point of view. Applying tilak in the middle part of the brain attracts other people towards you. Because whenever we see another person, our first sight goes to his face. The middle part of the brain is called ‘Agya Chakra’. This chakra is also called Guru Chakra because it is considered to be the representative of Jupiter Guru himself. When tilak is applied to this part of the body, the pineal gland present here becomes energetic and a kind of light is felt from inside the brain, which calms our mind as well as brings concentration within us.

Astrological importance

According to astrologers, tilak has many benefits. According to them, applying tilak on the forehead makes a person’s personality impressive, it brings brightness on the person’s face. It is believed that applying tilak destroys the sins of a person. Not only this, tilak applied on the forehead also proves effective in the peace of many types of planets, due to which many times one is protected from troubles. Along with this, one attains success in worship. The wish for the fruit of virtue is fulfilled.

Scientific importance

According to scientists, applying tilak on the forehead creates positive thinking in us. Not only this, applying tilak on the forehead causes the secretion of serotonin and beta endorphin in a balanced manner. Due to this, there is no sadness in our mind. Enthusiasm remains in the body, due to which our mind is more engaged in positive work. Not only this, applying tilak also reduces the problem of headache. Along with this, it also increases excitement and self-confidence in us. Applying tilak on the forehead also keeps the mind stable and calm. It also protects from brain related diseases like stress etc. The brain is the center of the nerves of Sushumna, Ida and Pingala nerves between our two eyebrows, which is considered like the divine eye or the third eye. By applying tilak at this place, the Agya Chakra is awakened and the power of the person moves upward, due to which his energy and sharpness increases. Regularly applying tilak on the forehead gives a feeling of coolness, freshness and peace. The pain of headache does not bother you and your intelligence increases.

Why do we apply rice after applying tilak on the forehead. Rice is also called Akshat and it means that it will never get destroyed, that is why rice is used for the success of any work. That is why rice is used after tilak. Also, in Hinduism, rice is considered a symbol of prosperity.

Where to apply tilak

Generally we know that tilak is applied on the forehead of any person, but it is not so. The tilak used in worship is applied on a total of 12 places of the body including head, forehead, neck, heart, both arms, navel, back, both armpits etc. If tilak is to be applied only on the forehead, then it should be applied on the forehead point i.e. between the two eyebrows.

How to apply tilak

Some rules have been made to apply this tilak related to faith, such as – tilak should always be applied to a goddess or god or to another person or to oneself only after taking a bath and wearing clean clothes. Tilak should be applied to any person or deity only while facing the north direction. Tilak should always be applied to your deity with the ring finger and to others with the thumb.