Rural MP Colonel Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore met with the Union Minister of Road Transport and Highways Nitin Gadkari. During this meeting, he brought up the issue of low-height underpasses on the Jaipur-Bandikui four-lane Greenfield Expressway passing through his parliamentary constituency in Laalvas and requested an increase in their height. He also made Minister Gadkari aware of various issues faced by farmers due to the low height and width of these underpasses. After taking note of the matter, Minister Gadkari instructed NHAI PD Dausa and other officials to visit the site.
Additionally, an order was issued to increase the height of the underpasses from 4 to 5.5 meters, bringing relief to the local farmers.
MP Colonel Rajyavardhan Rathore explained that the construction of low-height underpasses had caused difficulties for farmers in passing through with tractor-trolleys loaded with crops. Furthermore, agricultural machinery like threshers could not pass through these underpasses, causing inconvenience.
With the increased height, tractor-trolleys loaded with crops and agricultural machinery can easily pass through these underpasses. The highway plays a crucial role in the development of this region and the state, benefiting agriculture and facilitating the transportation of agricultural products from one place to another.