New Delhi: Redmi Smart TV X Series has been launched in India by Xiaomi, with pricing starting at Rs. 32,999 for the 50-inch variant. The LED TV range is available in three sizes—50 inches, 55 inches, and 65 inches—with all variants having 4K HDR LED screens. The Redmi Smart TV X Series is powered by Android TV 10 for smart connectivity, and support HDR up to 12-bit Dolby Vision format. Similar to Xiaomi’s Mi range of TVs, the Redmi Smart TV X Series also comes with PatchWall UI in addition to the stock Android TV UI. The Redmi Smart TV X Series is available in three sizes, priced at Rs 32,999 for the X50, Rs 38,999 for the X55, and Rs 57,999 for the top-end X65 variant. All of the TVs are 4K HDR LED models and have similar specifications and features, save for the obvious differences in size. The Redmi Smart TV X Series goes on sale on 25 March and will be available to buy via Amazon, the Xiaomi online store, as well as Mi Home and Mi Studio offline stores. In the coming weeks, Xiaomi will also make the TV range available at other Mi partner stores offline.