NEW DELHI: There were reports that Ranbir Kapoor has said no to Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s proposed musical love story Baiju Bawra. Sources close to Bhansali denied stating, “Ranbir has not been offered Baiju Bawra. The only time Ranbir turned down a role in a Bhansali film was when he was offered Hrithik Roshan and Aishwarya Rai starrer Guzaarish. Bhansali offered him the role that was eventually played by Aditya Roy Kapur.”
About the casting of Baiju Bawra, the source close to Bhansali productions says, “It is Ranveer Singh who was being seriously considered for the part. Bhansali’s focus was on the casting of Heera Mandi. But now since erroneous information on the male casting of Baiju Bawra was being leaked out, Bhansali has decided to announce Ranveer Singh in the ambitious grand musical’s title role.”