MUMBAI: Ranveer singh and Katrina Kaif, who have shared screen space together, have been paired to romance in Zoya akhtar’s next film. earlier, according to reports, the makers were in talks to team up the heartthrob with his wife Deepika Padukone, but, finally, they chose Katrina. according to reports by a leading publication, Zoya and Ranveer are teaming up for the third time. as per reports, a source of the publication revealed that after the massive success of Gully Boy and Dil Dhadakne Do, Ranveer will be seen in Zoya’s next gangster drama. The film is set again in the dark, gritty space that Gully Boy was. Ranveer has already agreed to do this film. as per reports, the makers were in the process of locking the dates when the lockdown happened. interestingly, Ranveer and Katrina will be seen sharing screen space in a brief way for Rohit shetty’s Sooryvanshi where the Simmba will be seen doing a cameo in the climax.
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