Everyone loves a good celebrity friendship to celebrate. Bollywood divas Kareena Kapoor Khan and Rani Mukerji have been friends on and off screen for a long time. They have worked together in films like ‘Mujhse Dosti Karoge!’ and ‘Talaash. Recently they gave their fans a candid look into their friendship when they reunited for a chat show on Saturday. The two met each other for Kareena’s show What Women Want. They also posed for shutterbugs stationed outside the shoot location. Several images and videos surfaced online. In the images, Rani is seen dressed in a green summer dress. On the other hand, Kareena looked stylish in a black shirt and black jeans. In addition to this there’s also a video that has left netizens in awe of Rani and Kareena’s bond.While posing with Kareena, Rani showered love on the latter by addressing her as her “jaan.””Yeh meri jaan hai,” Rani said, evoking a wide smile from Kareena.Kareena also dropped a picture with Rani from the shoot.”Tina and Pooja #IYKYK,” she captioned the picture, referring to the duo’s characters’ names in the film ‘Mujhse Dosti Karoge’.In the film, Rani played the role of Pooja, while Kareena played Tina.In the upcoming days, Rani will be seen in the film Mrs Chatterjee Vs Norway, which will hit the theatres on March 17. The film is based on Sagarika Chakaraborty’s book The Journey of a Mother.Sagarika Chatterjee is a woman who stood up against the government of Norway to fight for the right to be reunited with her children after they were taken away from her. Speaking of Kareena’s upcoming project she will be in ‘Crew’.
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