NEW DELHI: Former India captain Sourav Ganguly has given a nod to shoot his biopic, he confirmed on Tuesday. According to sources, Ranbir Kapoor is likely to play Ganguly in the biopic. The film will be shot under the banner of a big production house and is set to be a big-budget Bollywood film, as per reports. Around Rs 200 crore to Rs 250 crore is being earmarked for the film. “Yes, I have agreed to the biopic. It will be in Hindi but it is not possible to say the name of the director now. It will take a few more days for arranging everything,” Ganguly told News18. At present, the script is been worked upon and the production house is holding multiple meetings with the former Indian captain.
While there are a lot of speculations around who is going to play Ganguly in the biopic, according to sources Ranbir Kapoor is the first choice to play Dada in the movie. In the past, many times Ganguly had denied any such reports of a biopic on him but also expressed his desire of seeing Ranbir in the lead role if ever a biopic is made made on him. After biopics being made on MS Dhoni, Mohammad Azharuddin and Sachin Tendulkar, Ganguly will be the latest to join this list . If reports are to be believed, the movie will release just before Ganguly’s 50th birthday next year.
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