Bollywood heartthrob Ranbir Kapoor brought star power to the Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai as he attended the World Cup semi-final clash between India and New Zealand. The actor, clad in a blue ensemble, joined sports commentator Jatin Sapru, former cricketers Harbhajan Singh, and Irfan Pathan, and ex-India Team head coach Ravi Shastri to discuss the cricketing action.

Ranbir’s blue attire seamlessly blended with the spirited atmosphere as fans donned the colour to support the Indian team. During discussions, the actor fondly recalled witnessing the historic moment when MS Dhoni lifted the ICC Cricket World Cup trophy at Wankhede Stadium in 2011. The visuals of Ranbir in the stands during that iconic match were showcased on the screen.

On the professional front, Ranbir Kapoor is gearing up for the release of ‘Animal,’ a film that also features Rashmika Mandanna, Anil Kapoor, and Bobby Deol in pivotal roles. Directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga, ‘Animal’ is set to hit theatres on December 1, adding to the actor’s highly anticipated projects.