One month after Prime Minister Narendra Modi led the ‘bhoomi pujan’ of Ayodhya’s Ram temple, the construction work of its foundation has started. Nripendra Mishra, chairman of the Temple Construction Committee of the Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Tirtha Kshetra Nyas, was also present in Ayodhya for the occasion.
Heavy excavators, a specialised and state-of-the-art casagrande machine and other equipment have been brought to the site. On Monday, a team of expert engineers from Larsen & Toubro assembled and thoroughly tested the machines. According to the temple trust’s officials, the first phase will involve excavation, digging “wells” into the ground up to a hundred feet deep. It will then be dug to a depth of two hundred feet. A base of pillars will be built for the temple.
An expert associated with the construction committee said that after the excavation of such wells, the pillars, which will be located under the Ram temple, will be built with very strong and inertial strength. There will be 1,200 such pillars. Apart from digging, many other working machines like the robot will be brought from time to time.
The Central Building Research Institute and IIT Chennai have given their reports based on which the construction and design of the Ram temple will begin.
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