A few days before Monday’s consecration ceremony, the Lord Ram idol that has been positioned at the Ayodhya Temple was made public. Standing and brandishing a golden bow and arrow, the idol portrays Lord Ram as a five-year-old child. Artist Arun Yogiraj, who is based in Mysuru, created the 51-inch black stone idol of Ram Lalla. Before the idol was consecrated, the entire idol was revealed over the course of two days by the temple authorities. Even though the idol was covered with a cloth, pictures of it being placed inside the sanctum sanctorum were leaked on Thursday.
This morning, a different photo with just the idol’s eyes covered surfaced. In the afternoon, the entire appearance was finally revealed, revealing the deity’s face along with the golden bow and arrow.
According to Deputy Chief Minister Brajesh Pathak, every preparation has been completed for the grand ceremony scheduled for January 22.
On Monday, a number of dignitaries, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Yogi Adityanath, will attend the opening ceremony of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya. Among the 8,000 guests on the list are billionaire Mukesh Ambani, Bollywood actor Amitabh Bachchan, and actor Akshay Kumar.
On January 12, the ceremonies for the consecration of the temple began. According to sources, PM Modi will conduct the puja for the “Pran Pratistha” on January 22. The principal ceremonies of the Pran Prathistha will be carried out by a group of priests under the direction of Lakshmikant Dixit. Only on JioSaavn.com can you listen to the newest music. Several states have announced January 22 as a half-day or holiday for corporations, boards, and government offices.
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