Ram Charan had a special surprise for his fans on Father’s Day 2024. Those eager to see his daughter Klin Kaara’s face were delighted when the actor finally unveiled it in his latest picture. A member of Ram’s team shared a sweet photo on X (formerly Twitter) showing Ram beaming as he lifts little Klin Kaara in his arms.
‘I don’t want to fight with my daughter in this space’
Speaking to The Times of India on Father’s Day, Ram expressed his hope that his daughter would follow in his wife Upasana’s footsteps rather than his own. He mentioned that there are already enough actors in the Mega family, and he doesn’t want to compete with his daughter in the industry.
He said, “Personally, I feel that if she explores her mother’s side, it will be great because we have so many actors on my side we are so confused with so many releases in a year, and we are all fighting for release dates. Now I don’t want to fight with my daughter in this space.”
Upasana is a businesswoman, while Ram and most of his cousins, including Allu Arjun, Varun Tej, and Sai Dharam Tej, are actors.
‘My father wants Klin to call him Chirutha, not thatha’
In the same interview, Ram shared that Chiranjeevi is very affectionate as a grandfather and prefers a unique nickname over the traditional one. He stated, “When he’s with Klin, he becomes like her older sibling. He lets her hit him, punch him…it’s really cute to see that side of my father. He says, don’t call me grandfather, that’s boring, call me Chirutha. In Telugu, thatha means grandfather, and he adds Chiru to it. Chirutha also means cheetah.”
Interestingly, Ram’s debut film in 2007 was titled Chirutha and directed by Puri Jagannadh.
About Klin Kaara
Ram and Upasana got engaged in December 2011 and married in June 2012. They welcomed their first child, Klin Kaara, on June 20, 2023. As her first birthday approaches, her parents have made efforts to keep her face hidden from the media until now.
On the work front, Ram is set to star in Shankar’s Game Changer. He has also agreed to films by Buchi Babu Sana and Sukumar.
The olympic medalist shared the news with his fans on Instagram on Sunday.
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