The ‘RRR’ star Ram Charan will be representing the Indian Film Industry at the prestigious G20 summit. He was clicked at Hyderabad airport. For the airport look, Ram Charan opted for a black shirt teamed with beige pants and black loafers. The actor completed his look with a basketball cap, a wrist watch and a cool pair of shades.
Check out the viral video below
For the unversed, the G-20 summit is organised in Kashmir. It will go on for three days, from May 22 to May 24, and will discuss the world’s major economies and global issues.
On the professional front, the actor is currently busy shooting for his next, Game Changer with Shankar. The release date is yet to be announced. Bollywood diva Kiara Advani is the female lead of the film, and S Thaman is the music composer. Karthik Subbaraj penned the script.
On the personal front, Ram Charan is in an exciting phase of his life personally as he is ready to become a father very soon. After 10 years of marriage, the ‘RRR’ star and his darling wife Upasana are expecting their firstborn. In the next few months, the power couple will be welcoming their baby, and the celebrations have been going in full swing with baby showers, parties, and vacations.
Born in Lincolnshire in 1929, Plowright made her stage debut in 1954.
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