Rakhi was spotted in a sizzling red towel dress at the Super Mom Super Women Award 2024. The event took place to acknowledge the contribution of mothers on the occasion of Mother’s Day. Actors like Sherlyn Chopra were also part of the event but a major attraction was caught by Rakhi’s hot red dress with silver puffy boots and a headgear wrapped with a red towel as well. The dress was customized with a fusion of the colour combination of red and silver. It has red roses, a silver belt and an oxidised piece of jewellery with a heavy silver eye shadow on the top.
Rakhi walked the red carpet with Bollywood actor and Producer, Ritesh Kumar. He wore a Velvet Blue Blazer paired with black jeans and a silver chain. They confidently posed together and took off the paparazzi’s attention. Hence the event looked fine as Sawant posed with Sherlyn which seemed like a girl pal reunion.
Rakhi Sawant wore a Red-Towel dress at the Super Mom Award 2024.
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