The Rajya Sabha adjourned on Monday until tomorrow at 11 a.m. Earlier, Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar reconstituted the panel of vice chairpersons on Monday, which now consists of eight members, with half of them being women parliamentarians.

The eight-member panel will now include four women: Congress MP Phulo Devi Netam and BJP MPs Phangnon Konyak, Darshana Singh, and Sonal Mansingh.
On the first day of the Parliament’s Winter Session, Dhankhar announced the reconstituted panel in the Upper House. In the absence of the chairman or deputy chairman, the vice chairpersons have the authority to preside over the house.

The government held an all-party meeting on Saturday for the smooth functioning of the session, which will have 15 sittings between December 4 and December 22. The government has 21 bills on its agenda for the session, including the bills to replace the IPC, the Indian Evidence Act, and the CrPC.