Megastar Rajinikanth’s first look from his upcoming film ‘Lal Salaam’ is out. The poster shows Rajinikanth as Moideen Bhai walking in the middle of what is believed to be communal riots in Bombay (now Mumbai) in 1993. Sharing the first look, Rajinikanth’s daughter Aishwaryaa, who has helmed the film, took to Instagram and wrote,”#Moideenbhai …welcom …#lalslaam cannot caption when your heart is racing ! #blessed.”
Lyca Productions shared the poster in English and Tamil and called Rajinikanth ‘everyone’s favourite Bhai.’ However, the first look of Rajinikanth as Moideen Bhai failed to receive thumbs up from all. Some people commented on the editing. “What is this? What have you done to Thalaivar,” a social media user commented. “Take it down, very bad photoshop it,” another one wrote. “Worst photoshop,” an Instagram user commented. Fans also heaped praises on Thalaiva and said the project looks interesting. “Can’t wait for this. Looks interesting,” a fan commented.
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