Superstar Rajinikanth, who was shooting for a film in Hyderabad, was admitted to a hospital on Friday for severe blood pressure fluctuations and exhaustion. In a statement issued by the hospital, it was said that he tested negative for coronavirus on 22 December. He underwent the Covid-19 test after four movie crew tested positive at the Annaatthe film set in Ramoji Rao Film City.
Rajinikanth was in isolation for the last three days and moved to the hospital in the afternoon. As per the second health update issued by the hospital, it was noted that Rajinikanth is stable and is resting but will remain in the hospital for the night and undergo further examination. Team of expert doctors are said to be monitoring his blood pressure level.
When a letter about Rajinikanth’s political entry and health was leaked in October, he distanced himself from the contents of his political entry but acknowledged that he had undergone a renal transplant and cannot go out during the pandemic.
Though Rajinikanth was not inclined to start the political party during the meeting with district secretaries of Rajini Makkal Mandram, he announced that he will float his political party in January, and will announce the date of launch on 31 December. Rajinikanth also went ahead and appointed Arjuna Moorthy, who was a BJP member, as his chief coordinator, and his close confidante Tamil Aruvumanian as supervisor to overlook the party organisational works. There are no changes to the plan of announcing party launch date, but the announcement is likely to be made through Twitter, as per sources.
Rajinikanth is expected to leave for Chennai if doctors give him the go-ahead and then isolate in Chennai as per their advice. He is accompanied by his daughter and family and has requested his fans and others not to visit him at the hospital. Telangana Governor Tamilisai Soundararajan, former Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu, and Tamil Nadu opposition leader MK Stalin enquired about Rajinikanth’s health.
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