The preparations for the Lok Sabha elections have commenced across the entire country. In this series, several meetings of central and state-level leaders were held in Jaipur in recent days. In these meetings, leaders provided guidance to party workers for Mission-25, aiming for victory on all 25 Lok Sabha seats in the state.
Following these meetings, a confidential meeting took place last week between the former CM Vasundhara Raje and CM Bhajan Lal Sharma. After this meeting, Vasundhara Raje is fully engaged in preparing for the Lok Sabha elections.
BJP’s Lok Sabha election office inaugurated in Jhalawar
After a meeting with CM Bhajan L.Vasundhara visited her hometown Jhalawar. There, she initiated her preparations with her son and MP Dushyant, along with other supportive leaders and legislators. In the same sequence, on Tuesday, former CM Vasundhara Raje inaugurated the Lok Sabha election office in Jhalawar. During this event, her MP son Dushyant and several other BJP leaders were present.
Raje urged workers to put in their full effort
During the inauguration of the Lok Sabha election office, Vasundhara Raje urged party workers to join wholeheartedly to ensure the BJP’s victory on all 25 seats in the state. Raje stated that just like the assembly elections, now it is time for everyone to come together for the Lok Sabha elections.
Therefore, the election office has been inaugurated quickly, and from here, the work for the entire district will be coordinated. She called on all workers to come together energetically for the Lok Sabha elections. All Mandal Presidents and Booth Presidents of Jhalawar district were present at this BJP program. During this, the former CM emphasized that everyone should put in their full effort for the upcoming elections.
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