Additional Chief Secretary of the Medical and Health Department, Shubhra Singh, while reviewing the progress of the e-KYC of Ayushman Chiranjeevi Card, has given instructions to complete this work by January 26, 2024. He said that the work of e-KYC should be taken seriously and monitoring should be done by allocating daily targets to the districts and the responsibility of Chief Medical and Health Officers should be fixed in the poorly performing districts.
Shubhra Singh said that in the new version of the ‘Ayushman App’ mobile application recently prepared by the National Health Authority, Government of India, along with e-KYC, the facility of self-verification and downloading of approved cards is also available. He said that 100 per cent Ayushman cards should be made by appealing to the general public at the district level. He also directed to make the general public aware in this regard that the beneficiaries themselves can download the Ayushman card by doing e-KYC through their mobile or can contact the Asha Sahyogini of their area and get the Ayushman card made.
Singh said that it is the priority of the state government to make Ayushman cards of 100 per cent eligible beneficiaries during the Vikas Bharat Sankalp Yatra. Keeping this in mind, this work should be completed as soon as possible.