Bhajan Lal Sharma, who has been chosen as the leader of the BJP legislative party and the Chief Minister, has also been congratulated by Acting Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot on the social media account ‘X’. He said, “Heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to Bhajan Lal Sharma on being appointed as the leader of the BJP legislative party. I hope that while working as the Chief Minister of Rajasthan, you will continue to maintain the pace of development in the state and play a role in fulfilling the goal of making Rajasthan the number 1 state in the country.”
Former Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje, while extending congratulations on ‘X’, wrote, “Heartfelt congratulations to Sanganer MLA Bhajan Lal Sharma on being appointed as the Chief Minister of Rajasthan. We believe that under the skilled guidance of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, you will lead the state to new heights of progress.”
Meanwhile, Deputy Chief Minister Diya Kumari said, “Heartfelt congratulations and endless best wishes to Bhajan Lal Sharma on being chosen as the leader of the BJP legislative party. I have full confidence that under the excellent guidance of Honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi Ji and under your leadership, there will be a new dawn of ‘good governance’ in Rajasthan, and the path of prosperous Rajasthan will be clear.”
Defense Minister and observer Rajnath Singh also wrote on ‘X’, “Heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to Bhajan Lal Sharma on being unanimously elected as the leader of the BJP legislative party in Rajasthan. Under the guidance of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the leadership of Bhajan Lal Sharma, Rajasthan will progress on a new path of development, I am confident of that.”
Sachin Pilot congratulated Bhajan Lal Sharma on being appointed as the Chief Minister of Rajasthan and Ms Diya Kumari, and Mr Prem Chand Bairwa on being appointed as Deputy Chief Ministers. He took to his official ‘X’ account and wrote, “I hope that you will work for the prosperity and development of Rajasthan.”