The hard work of the state’s Energy Minister Hiralal Nagar for several months was successful on Wednesday, when agreements worth Rs 6.57 lakh crores were signed in a single day in the pre-summit of Rising Rajasthan on behalf of his department. Representatives of renowned companies from India and abroad attended this summit at a hotel on JLN Marg. During the ceremony, MoUs were exchanged in the presence of Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma, who served as the chief guest. He expressed his satisfaction with the department’s efforts. The investors signed agreements for the development of projects in solar, wind, green hydrogen, hybrid, pump storage, battery storage, and green ammonia sectors. If these investments are fully realised, they are expected to generate 70,000 new jobs in the state.
During the ceremony, Sharma emphasised that Rajasthan is an ideal destination for investment in the renewable energy sector. He highlighted that the state is home to the world’s largest solar park, with a capacity of 2,245 MW, and enjoys more than 325 days of sunshine annually. He pointed out that Rajasthan offers unlimited opportunities in both solar and wind energy. The Chief Minister expressed the state’s ambition to become energy-surplus, shifting from being an electricity-dependent state to one that supplies energy. He also announced that the government would soon introduce the Integrated Clean Energy Policy 2024, which would create new opportunities in sectors such as pump storage, green hydrogen, battery storage, and bioenergy, further boosting the state’s renewable energy initiatives.
Nagar said, “All aspects have been discussed in detail with the investors before investing. Now we are committed to work towards the early implementation of the MoU as soon as possible.”
He said, “This initiative of organising ‘Rising Rajasthan Global Investment Summit 2024’ in the first year of Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma’s tenure shows strong intention and our determination. In the coming three-four years, work will be done to convert the MoUs into ongoing projects on the ground.”
The Rajasthan government has so far received investment proposals (MoUs) worth more than Rs 20 lakh crores at domestic and international level.
Land, water and energy key factors for development
The Chief Minister said that three factors are important in the development of any state or country, this includes land, water and energy. If these three sectors are in any state, then it will develop the most.
The Chief Minister said, “It has been 11 months for our government, and we have taken many big decisions. We are going to make Rajasthan the number one state in the country. There is a very large land area here. There was a shortage of water, so we have undertaken major intitiatives like ERCP and Yamuna Water Agreement. In Udaipur, the water of Dewas scheme going towards Arabian Sea was not being used, so it was stopped by making a tunnel. Recharge tube wells have been made so that the water of Rajasthan does not flow away. Now, with big investments in the energy sector, new dimensions of development will be established here.”
CM promises to solve problems of investors on priority basis
The Chief Minister said, “Before we sign MoUs, a complete study of the company takes place. Only those MoUs which can be implemented in reality are being signed. Whatever problem the investors have, we will solve it immediately.”
At the same time, targeting the Congress, he said,” In the previous government, MoUs were signed only to increase the number. We have issued approval for many joint ventures. It is our priority to complete the work on time.”
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