After a couple of hours of being in a neck-and-neck contest with the Congress in Rajasthan, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) moved ahead in the race. As per the Election Commission of India trends available at 10:15 AM, the party crossed the halfway mark of 100 in the 200-member Rajasthan. The Congress was leading in 68 and other smaller parties in 11. Counting is taking place in 199 of the 200 seats.

According to the Election Commission, Bharat Adivasi Party and independents were ahead in five seats each while the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) and Communist Party of India Marxist (CPIM) in two each. The Rashtriya Lok Dal (RLD) and Aazad Samaj Party were ahead in one seat each.

Counting of votes polled in the November 25 Assembly elections started at 8 AM across the 36 counting centres with the postal ballots being the first to be opened. After the postal ballots were counted and their results tallied, the electronic voting machines were taken up.

There are 1,862 candidates in the fray for 199 seats. Election to Karanpur seat was postponed due to the death of Congress candidate Gurmeet Singh Koonar.