BJP has again targeted Rajasthan Congress state in-charge Sukhjinder Singh Randhawa over his controversial statement. This statement by Randhawa is related to the announcement of Bharat Ratna to BJP’s senior leader Lal Krishna Advani. BJP leaders have started criticizing him for this statement made during an interaction program with party workers in Nagaur.

Randhawa had said, “These people talk about the Ram Temple. However, they did not include Advani in the Ram Temple consecration ceremony, and now he is being awarded the Bharat Ratna. They give Bharat Ratna to deceased people.”

On this issue, BJP’s national minister Dr. Alka Gurjar responded by turning the tables, stating that Randhawa needs to increase his limited knowledge, and he should also apologize.

She said, “The statement by Sukhjinder Singh Randhawa, the Congress state in-charge for Rajasthan, is extremely humorous and reflects his limited knowledge. Congress state in-charges represent the Congress, whose Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru received Bharat Ratna while serving as the Prime Minister in 1955. The leader of the same party and former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, while serving as the Prime Minister in 1971, honoured herself with the Bharat Ratna, which is morally wrong.”

Nehru-Indira created a unique record: Rathore
BJP’s senior leader and former leader of the opposition in the assembly Rajendra Rathore called Randhawa’s controversial statement unfortunate and shameful. In his reaction, Rathore said, “Randhawa ji, when Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi created a unique record of honouring themselves with Bharat Ratna while serving as Prime Ministers, weren’t they alive then? Do you have any doubts about this? How did you forget the history of Nehru and Indira Gandhi?”

Rathore further said, “Congress, which is now over, used to give Bharat Ratna to itself when it was in power. Such comments about the highest civilian honour of the country, ‘Bharat Ratna,’ demonstrate the declining level and inferior mentality of the Congress party.”