SRINAGAR: Amid the surge in Covid-19 cases in Jammu & Kashmir, Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha after a high-level meeting ordered the suspension of railway services. He also ordered the extension of the lockdown till May 17, as the daily count crossed the 5000 mark with nearly a hundred deaths in 24 hours.

Owing to the extension in the Corona Curfew, there would be no Eid congregation. The night-long congregations in the main masjids and shrines for Shabi Qadr were cancelled keeping in view the rising case toll.

Meanwhile, the Shri Amarnathji Shrine Board (SASB) is yet to decide whether the Amarnath Yatra should be called off.

“It is evident that the yatra would not be held amid such a rise in cases, however, the final decision would be announced soon,” an SASB official was been quoted by a media outlet in Kashmir.

Earlier, the J&K government also decided that only 50% of employees would come to offices according to the roster and they would be facilitated with curfew passes.

The government also decided to put a cap on the number of people to be invited to wedding ceremonies, reducing it from 50 to 25.

Jammu and Kashmir is witnessing a steep surge in Covid-19 cases with beds in hospitals nearly exhausted. To tackle the situation, LG Manoj Sinha has ordered the installation of 10 additional oxygen plants in J&K with Central aid and also decided to increase the number of beds with oxygen supply.