The Central Railway Hospital in the capital witnessed a spirited celebration on Monday as it marked the consecration ceremony of the Ram Temple. Attended by hospital staff and their families, the event commenced with enthusiastic cheers in honour of Lord Shri Ram. Following the opening, idols of Lord Shri Ram, Mata Sita, and Lord Lakshman were consecrated in the temple. Post-consecration, a ritualistic Aarti for Lord Shri Ram was performed by everyone.
Dr. Ram Matoria, the hospital’s nodal officer, described the day as historic, emphasizing that the construction of the temple would radiate positive energy globally, bringing joy, peace, and prosperity. He underscored that praising the name of Ram transcends societal divisions.
Chief Medical Superintendent of the hospital, Dr Neelam Sinha, expressed that Lord Shri Ram is a revered figure for all, dwelling within the very essence of every individual.
Additional Director-General, Dr. R.P. Choudhary, highlighted the benevolence associated with the name of Lord Shri Ram for human life.
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