After shaking Bollywood to its core, especially after actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s demise, the nepotism controversy has now reached Bigg Boss 14. Having been on the receiving end of criticism for lacking the spark, which made BB 13 a blockbuster success, the latest controversy surrounding Jaan Kumar Sanu has fired up the situation inside the house.

In tonight’s episode, Indian Idol fame Rahul Vaidya nominates Jaan Kumar Sanu citing that he has a huge problem with nepotism. While the comment evokes shocking reactions from the housemates, Jaan calmly responds that he is proud to be son of Mr Kumar Sanu. When Rahul says that he doesn’t need a popular father to make a space for himself, Jaan hits back stating that he shouldn’t get personal and comment on his father.

Later in the day, their argument gets so heated up that Jaan ends up pushing Rahul. Jaan’s good friend Nishant too speaks against Rahul and points out that Rahul’s reason for nominating Jaan is irrelevant. The war of words between Jaan and Rahul ensued after their friendship hit the rock bottom last week. Jaan’s comments against Nikki Tamboli further added fuel to the fire.

Interestingly, BB fans on social media have come in support of Rahul Vaidya and are applauding his guts to call out nepotism in the show. One of the users commented that Sara Gurpal and Shehzad Deol were evicted just to save Jaan Kumar Sanu. The reality is that Jaan is nothing but a nepotism kid, the user further said. Meanwhile, another user pointed out that Rahul’s comment might backfire as he could be called out by Salman Khan in Weekend Ka Vaar.