Popular celebrity couple Rahul Vaidya and Disha Parmar have been blessed with a baby girl. The singer announced the news just a couple of minutes back. He took to social media to share their joy with the world. In a heartwarming Instagram post, he posted an adorable photo of a baby elephant. The caption read, “We are blessed with a Baby GIRL! The mummy and baby both are healthy and doing perfectly well!”
Further, the singer added, ” “We would like to thank our Gynaec @dhruptidedhia who was hands on with the baby right since conceiving till birth and special thanks to our family @dnamjoshi & @masuuma at @criticareasiahospitals for giving us the best delivery experience possible! And we are elated! pls bless the baby”
A few days back, the gorgeous couple shared their thought and how they are awaiting the arrival of the little one. They shared, “Each time we feel the baby’s movements, it hits us that we are going to be parents soon. It is such an incredible feeling. We are excited and waiting to see if it’s a boy or a girl. If it is a girl, we already have a name in mind. If it is a boy, I’m sure we’ll come up with something nice.”
This is a developing copy.
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