Congress leader Rahul Gandhi visited Jalore in Rajasthan on Tuesday for election campaigning where he launched yet another round of verbal tirade against Prime Minister Narendra Modi. During his address, he not only spoke about the ongoing political scenario but also touched upon the recent defeat of Team India in the World Cup and targeted PM Modi by using disparaging remarks against him. Expressing his disappointment, Gandhi remarked, “It would have been good if our boys had won the World Cup, but Panauti (bad luck) had its way.”

In reality, Rahul Gandhi was using the platform to criticize Prime Minister Modi. As he mentioned Modi in his speech, some audience members started chanting “Panauti, Panauti” (bad luck), prompting Gandhi’s response. He quipped, “It would have been good if our boys had won the World Cup there, but Panauti had its way. TV channels might not say it, but the people know.”

Gandhi continued to target PM Modi, stating that the situation in the country was akin to losing a World Cup due to bad luck. This move comes as part of his election campaign strategy in Rajasthan, where assembly elections are scheduled. Rahul Gandhi’s comments have sparked discussions about the intertwining of sports and politics and their impact on public perception.

After the heartbreaking scenes of Indian players leaving the field teary-eyed following the loss to Australia, the Prime Minister went to meet the Men in Blue in their dressing room. He met every player as well as the coaches and consoled them. Boosting their morale, PM Modi stated that the players had made the entire country proud with their performance during the tournament and that win and loss are a part of every game.