Sharpening his attack on Prime Minister Narendra Modi, over the issue of the LAC tussle between India and China in eastern Ladakh, Congress MP Rahul Gandhi on Monday said that the PM’s “Strong man” image has become India’s biggest weakness now. Releasing a 2.39-minute video, the former Congress president said that the PM fabricated a fake strongman image to come to power. It was his biggest strength. It is now India’s biggest weakness.

In the Video—“What is China’s Strategic and tactical game plan?”—Rahul said, “It is simply not a border issue. The worry I have is that Chinese are sitting in our territory today. Chinese don’t do anything without thinking about it strategically. In their mind they have mapped out the world and they are trying to shape the world. That’s the scale of what they are doing. That’s why Gwadar is, that is what the Belt and Road is. It is a restructuring of the planet. So when you’re thinking about the Chinese you have to understand that that is the level at which they are thinking.”

 The BJP was quick to hit back at Rahul Gandhi. BJP president J.P. Nadda, in a series of tweets, said: “We saw yet another failed edition of Project RG Relaunch today. As usual he was weak in fact and strong in mudslinging. In 1950 China had politically invested in a dynastic party and they reaped a rich political dividend. Be it losing the seat at UNSC in 1962 or losing a vast tract of land to Chinese or the MoU done in 2008 due to which RGF got its funding.” He went on to say that it’s surprising that Rahul Gandhi only toes Chinese line but never believes our armed forces. “Why does one family want to see India weak and China strong? There are several leaders in that party which disapproves of the lies of the dynasty and have rejected it,” he said.