Music maestro A.R. Rahman on Wednesday paid a musical tribute to late actor Sushant Singh Rajput. Multiple artists like Shreya Ghoshal, Sunidhi Chauhan, Mohit Chauhan, Arijit Singh, Aditya Narayan, Jonita Gandhi, Raja Kumari, who have lent their musicals in the actor’s last film Dil Bechara’s playlist, joined him.

In the virtual concert, the singers performed all the tracks of Dil Bechara, which are receiving a lot of love and appreciation from fans. These include Dil Bechara, Taare Gin, Khulke Jeene Ka, Main Tumhara, Maskhari, Afreeda and more. Ahead of Taare Gin, singer Mohit Chauhan told the audiences that this particular song is dedicated to Sushant’s love for astronomy.

All praises for Rahman, Mohit had earlier said in an interview, “I’m amazed at A.R. Rahman’s understanding of music. He plants songs so wonderfully into the story of the film. Shreya and I have tried our best to deliver what the maestro expected of us.”

With this, the countdown for Dil Bechara has begun. Directed by Mukesh Chhabra, the film starring Sushant Singh Rajput alongside debutant Sanjana Sanghi, will premiere on Disney+Hotstar on 24 July. As a tribute to the late actor, the movie will be available to all subscribers and nonsubscribers, free of cost.