MUMBAI: Radhika Apte had no idea whether Laxmi, her character in the upcoming web series ‘OK Computer’, was male or female when she was offered the role. “When I was first offered the role of Laxmi, the makers told me that it was undecided whether my character was male or female and I soon realised that this was also the case with the other characters. There was so much flexibility and massive room for improvisation in terms of nuances of her character which were all explored and developed on the go. This made the entire process extremely satisfying,” said Radhika. Throwing light on Laxmi , she added: “Laxmi is the head of People for the Ethical Treatment of Every Robot (PETER) and an ardent supporter of the ideology that AI can’t harm humans. Laxmi has grown up with robots around her, believes they are the future and would never blame them for committing a crime, especially not a murder. Even though I’m not a tech-friendly person, I do believe that robots can be trusted more than humans and in that sense, Laxmi and I have a connection.”
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