The seven-party alliance of Mahagathbandhan and the BJP on the Bihar turf is getting more prominent ahead of 2024 Lok Sabha polls. Mahagathbandhan is all set for its mega rally in Purnia scheduled to be held on February 25, the same day when Union home minister Amit Shah will also be addressing rallies in the state. The Mahagathbandhan rally, slated to have participation of Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, Deputy Chief Minister Tejashwi Yadav and other leaders of the alliance partners. However, there has been a clash of date with the Congress’s three-day plenary session starting from February 24 in Raipur. AICC and state committee leaders will have to show their presence ascertaining the respective attendance in Raipur along with other leaders and party workers who will be attending the rally in Purnia.
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