New Delhi: Celebrating 7 years of her iconic film Queen, Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut opened up online about how she thought that the movie would never release. She took to her Twitter handle on Sunday and shared with fans that she took the project on ‘for money’, and had never anticipated it would be successful. Kangana wrote, “After almost a decade long struggle i was told i am too good an actor to be a Bollywood leading lady, curly hair and vulnerable voice made it worse, i signed Queen thinking this will never release, signed it for money with that money i went to film school in New York.” She continued, “in New York, i studied screenwriting, directed a small film in California at the age of 24 which gave me a breakthrough in hollywood. After seeing my work a big agency hired me as a director, i buried all my acting ambitions, did not have the courage to return to india.” Revealing how she was looking forward to working in the US and had even bought a house in los Angeles, she added, “Queen released, changed my life and indian Cinema forever marked the Birth of a new leading lady and woman-centric parallel cinema.”