In a clash between the gangster groups in Goindwala Jail, Punjab, two inmates who were accused of singer Siddhu Moosewala’s murder died on Sunday, sources said. The deceased have been identified as Mandeep Singh alias Tufan and Manmohan Singh alias Mohna.

Another inmate, who is identified as Keshaw of Bathinda, has received severe injuries and was rushed to a nearby hospital. Notably, all three of them have been arrested in connection with Moosewala’s murder.

In a statement, the Deputy Superintendent of Police, Jaspal Singh Dhillon, revealed, “There was a fight between miscreants in Goindwal Sahib jail, in which Duran Mandeep Singh Toofan, resident of Rayya was killed. Manmohan Singh Mohana who was admitted to Civil Hospital Tarn Taran.”

Tufan, who was accused of providing vehicles to the shooters, was arrested by the anti-gangster task force in September, 2022. Earlier, he was wanted in the killing of another notorious gangaster, Ranbir Singh alias Rana Kandowalia.

Speaking about Moosewala, he was shot dead on May 29, 2022, a day after the State government curtailed his security cover. Moosewala was shot at point-blank range. He was declared dead by the doctors after arriving at the  Mansa civil hospital.