The SIT and Punjab police on Friday morning raided three more places to nab former DGP Sumedh Singh Saini — a house in Sector 10- A, Chandigarh, and his native village Khuda Krala in Hoshiarpur. Saini was not found at any of the residences.
Meanwhile, Saini has moved the Supreme Court on Friday after the Punjab and Haryana High Court dismissed his bail petition. Sumedh Saini, former DGP, is accused in the case of kidnapping and murder of Balwant Singh Multani.
Earlier on Thursday, the police team raided his ancestral village Khuda Karala in Hoshiarpur, including Delhi, Shimla, Rajasthan in search of Saini.
Saini’s anticipatory bail plea was rejected by the Mohali district court on 1 September. After this, the police had sufficient time to arrest Saini. But he could not be arrested despite so many raids
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