In a major breakthrough on Thursday, Punjab Police announced the dismantling of an international gang involved in cross-border smuggling of arms and narcotics. The police arrested 13 people and recovered heroin worth over Rs 34 lakh. Punjab Director General of Police, Gaurav Yadav, confirmed the development on Twitter, stating that the Gurdaspur police had successfully busted the gang and made significant recoveries.
Items recovered in the operation include 4.52 kg of heroin, Rs 34.72 lakh in drug money, and six pistols. Yadav added that a major extortion and target killing were averted as a result of this crackdown. He also mentioned that the entire ecosystem linked within the gangs has been unearthed.
In a related incident, the Border Security Forces (BSF) reported intercepting a Pakistani drone twice as it infiltrated the Bhariyal post in Punjab late on Wednesday night. The BSF jawans opened fire at the drone, forcing it to retreat towards Pakistan. According to officials, around 30 rounds were fired before the drone withdrew.