Chandigarh: The Organised Crime Control Unit (OCCU) of Punjab Police, in a joint operation with SAS Nagar Police, has arrested Gavi Singh, a close aide of Gangster Jaipal, who had fled the state following police pressure. He was involved in funding the gang by running a drug cartel, Director General of Police (DGP) Punjab Dinkar Gupta said here on Tuesday. He was arrested from Sarai Kila Kharsawa district in Jharkhand by a team of Punjab Police, along with Jharkhand Police. Gavi, who had close links with Pakistan and Jammu & Kashmir drug smugglers, was receiving the drug supply and weapons from Pakistan via pipes beneath the fences or using water tubes in the river. He had also managed to give a slip to the Jalandhar Rural Police in an 11 kg heroin recovery case in February 2020. Gavi is a history-sheeter who is facing over ten heinous criminal cases, including murder, dacoity, kidnapping, extortion, under the NDPS and Arms Act.
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