Days after the row between Punjab Health Minister Chetan Singh Jouramajra, Chief Minister Punjab Bhagwant Mann and Vice-Chancellor of Baba Farid University of Health Sciences Dr. Raj Bahadur, Punjab Government on Thursady accepted the resignation of Dr. Raj Bahadur as VC of BFUMS. On 29 July, a video went viral where Health Minister Chetan Singh Joura Majra asked VC Dr. Raj Bahadur to lie on a dirty bed. After this video, many doctors across the country showed their anguish and asked Health Minister to apologize publically to Dr. Raj Bahadur.
As per senior officers in the Chief Minister’s Office, the resignation has been sent to Punjab Governor Banwari Lal Purohit for final approval. The incident had become a major embarrassment for the government, with people from all walks of life supporting Dr. Raj Bahadur and condemning the Health Minister for the incident. Doctors of Punjab even declared to go on strike if the health minister was not removed from the ministry. Though neither strike took place nor the health minister apologized and was removed.
TDG had word with Dr. Raj Bahadur at the time this incident happened. Dr. Bahadur informed that the Chief Minister apologized to him for his health minister’s behaviour. Also, as per CMO officials, Dr. Raj Bahadur was asked to meet CM Bhagwant Mann but Dr. Bahadur did not meet CM Mann as he was not keeping well. Hence, after a wait of more than a week, on Thursday, Punjab Government accepted Dr. Bahadur’s resignation.
Day after the incident, Dr Raj Bahadur had resigned as Vice-Chancellor, even though Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann had spoken to him and expressed regret over the incident.
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