The Punjab and Haryana High Court granted regular bail to Sukhpal Singh Khaira, a Punjab Congress MLA, in a 2015 drugs case. However, the Kapurthala police soon filed another case against him for alleged threatening and criminal intimidation.

This new case, under IPC sections 195A and 506, was filed based on a complaint by Ranjit Kaur, wife of Kashmir Singh, a co-accused in an NDPS Act case involving heroin, gold, and firearms.

Khaira was arrested in September 2023 after a raid at his Chandigarh bungalow prompted by Kashmir Singh’s complaint. Ranjit Kaur alleged that masked individuals had threatened her to prevent her from implicating Khaira.

Mehtab Khaira, Sukhpal Khaira’s son, dismissed the case as a conspiracy and questioned how his incarcerated father could have engaged in threats or intimidation. He expressed hope for justice through legal channels.

Khaira, representing the Bholath constituency in Kapurthala, also holds the position of chairman at the All India Kisan Congress.