All India Congress Committee’s Punjab unit on Wednesday wrote to former Punjab Chief Minister, Captain Amarinder Singh’s wife and Congress leader Preneet Kaur seeking an explanation over her “anti-party remarks”.
The letter written by State Congress in-charge, Harish Choudhary to Kaur read, “From the last many days, we are continuously receiving reports from Congress workers, MLA’s, leaders from Patiala and the media about your anti-party activities. This information and news has been coming ever since your husband Captain Amarinder Singh Ji resigned from the party and floated his own party: Punjab Lok Congress.” “We are also made aware of your open announcements in the media about siding with your husband’s party,” the letter read.
The Congress party sought an explanation on her stand on this issue within a period of seven days failing which the party will take necessary disciplinary action.
Punjab is scheduled to go for Assembly polls in 2022.
In the 2017 Punjab Assembly polls, Congress won an absolute majority in the state by winning 77 seats and ousted the SAD-BJP government after 10 years. Aam Aadmi Party emerged as the second-largest party winning 20 seats in 117-member Punjab Legislative Assembly. The Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) could only manage to win 15 seats while the BJP secured 3 seats.