Statewide campaign initiated by Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann to expedite the sanctioning of pending Mutations, providing significant relief to the people of Punjab, received a positive response in Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar on Monday as well. Similar to the earlier campaign on January 6th, the Revenue Officers in the district sanctioned a remarkable 1227 Mutations in a single day.
Providing details, Deputy Commissioner Aashika Jain revealed that on January 6th, the number of Mutations sanctioned was 1942, and the total count for both days has now reached 3169.
Commending the dedicated efforts of the Revenue Staff in addressing the backlog during both campaigns, she urged them to sustain the momentum and clear the remaining pending cases. She acknowledged that the 45-day timeframe for the Mutation process, involving initiation by Patwari, verification by Kanungo, and final sanctioning by Tehsildar/Naib Tehsildar, may face delays due to physical verifications.
The Deputy Commissioner assured that the district administration is committed to maintaining a zero backlog of Mutations in the district, ensuring that property owners won’t have to go through inconvenience to get their work done. She reported that Kharar Sub Division sanctioned 610 Mutations in a single day, Derabassi processed 425, and Mohali handled 187, all on the previous day.