Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh has written to Union Minister for External Affairs Dr S. Jaishankar to seek from the UK government repatriation of the personal effects of legendary martyr Shaheed Udham Singh including his pistol and personal diary.

Captain Amarinder Singh, in his letter to the Union Minister, appealed to him to take up this matter with the Government of the United Kingdom so that the nation is able to express its highest gratitude to the martyr and great patriot while celebrating the 75th anniversary of India’s Independence.

“You may be aware that it was with this very pistol that he avenged the dastardly act of the erstwhile British Government at Jallianwala Bagh, where hundreds of unarmed and innocent Indians were shot dead under the charge of the then Lieutenant Governor of Punjab, Michael O’Dwyer,” reads the letter. “It was with this pistol that Shaheed Udham Singh brought Michael O’ Dwyer to justice in the Caxton Hall, London,” wrote the Chief Minister.

Captain Amarinder further stated that “It is also known that Shaheed Udham Singh used to keep a diary, as his personal log, which also deserves to be brought back to India, so that the people of the country could derive motivation and inspiration from it.”