In a bold statement, Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann expressed confidence in winning all 13 Lok Sabha seats in the upcoming 2024 elections. Mann asserted that the people of Punjab are determined to secure victory on all fronts in the imminent general elections. According to him, the citizens have already set their minds to clinch all 13 seats in the forthcoming electoral battle.
Mann declared his optimism, stating that they are poised to secure a 13-0 victory in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. During a recent address, the Chief Minister highlighted positive developments in the state, such as complete transformations in hospitals and schools. He also announced the establishment of new medical colleges for the welfare of the common man. Additionally, Mann mentioned that 90% of farmers are experiencing a substantial reduction in their electricity bills.
The Chief Minister emphasized that decisions are now being made in favor of those who are well-acquainted with the grassroots-level issues faced by the people. He spoke of visible improvements in addressing citizens’ concerns.
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