Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann departed for Delhi to express support for his Delhi counterpart, Arvind Kejriwal, following Kejriwal’s arrest by the Enforcement Directorate. In response, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has called upon its supporters to assemble at Amb Sahib Gurdwara in Mohali for a protest at noon. The party has organized statewide demonstrations across Punjab.
AAP’s chief spokesperson, Malvinder Singh Kang, confirmed that volunteers have begun gathering in Mohali for the protests, which will be led by the state unit’s working president, Budh Ram. Additionally, CM Mann is set to participate in a protest in Delhi.
In a statement on social media, CM Mann emphasized Kejriwal’s symbolic significance, stating, “You will arrest Arvind Kejriwal but how will you arrest his thinking… Arvind Kejriwal is not a person but an idea, and we stand with our leader like a rock.”
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