New Delhi: It’s been a great year for actor Pulkit Samrat. The young generation star received a lot of applause for his fantastic performance in Bejoy Nambiar’s film Taish, which could easily pass off as Pulkit’s career best so far. Now, as the actor celebrates his birthday on Tuesday, not many people know that Pulkit shares his birthday with the legendary superstar Rajesh Khanna. 

Right in the beginning of 2021, during Makar Sankranti, his next big project Haathi Mere Saathi will have a theatrical release and the actor couldn’t be happier because apart from the same birthday, there is now going to be another big connection between Pulkit and Rajesh Khanna. This time, he will be seen in a similar role of the cult film that starred Rajesh Khanna. The original film had the veteran mega star playing mahout whereas the new version will have Pulkit essaying a similar role.

With the modern adaptation, Pulkit aims at bringing the audience to the theatres and changing the scenario around animal and kid-friendly films in the industry.