The Punjab School Education Board has issued orders to group district education officers. The process of promotions from Grade Four (tenth pass) to the post of Senior Laboratory Assistant (SLA) is commencing. Alongside a letter, the list according to the seniority of Grade Four employees, released on 20.8.2019, will be sent.

The list will include the service records of employees related to their respective districts, filled out in the Service Profile Performa and signed by the respective district education officer. It should also be certified that the employee’s record has been personally verified at the private level.

It must be ensured that apart from this, no other eligible senior according to seniority is serving (as per rules and guidelines). This information should be presented via email to the department’s email ID,, before leaving the office on 8.01.2024. No negligence, delay, or discrepancy should occur in this matter.
If, according to the seniority list released on 20.08.2019, any eligible employee is serving up to seniority number 254 (as per rules and guidelines), ensure that information is sent regarding this. It should also be ensured for the information about employees serving up to seniority number 254 within 59/60 years.”