NEW DELHI: Iconic actor from Bengali film industry Prosenjit Chatterjee recorded a special video message to director Ram Kamal Mukherjee’s forth coming film Rickshawala. Set in the backdrop of Kolkata, Rickshawala travels through by lanes of the city and also caters to various emotional journey of the main protagonist. The film features Bollywood actor Avinash Dwivedi, Sangita Sinha and Kasturi Chakraborty. The film will be exclusively streaming on BiiggBang.
Prosenjit Chatterjee says, “I really loved Rickshawala. It has lot of layers, lot of emotions. My heartiest congratulations to Ram Kamal and the entire cast and crew of Rickshawala, I have already watched the film and I am sure you will also love the film”. Taking about the director he says, “Ram Kamal is like a younger brother to me, I have been knowing him since long and now that he has turned director I am really happy for him. I have seen his last release Seasons Greeting’s: A Tribute To Rituparno Ghosh and I loved it”.