On Tuesday, Professor K D Gupta’s Memorial Lecture was organized at Mahatma Gandhi Medical University, Sitapura. Keynote speaker Dr Neil Poulter, Professor of Preventive Cardio Vascular Medicine at Imperial College London, gave detailed information on the myths and research related to blood pressure. He said that providing information about a person’s blood pressure and checking his blood pressure is a human service. He described high blood pressure as a silent killer. He said, “Blood pressure is the cause of death of about one crore people every year in the world. That means high blood pressure is the main reason behind the loss of lives of about thirty thousand people every day. If it is not normal, other major diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular, and kidney failure also occur.”
The founder Chairman of the university, Dr. M L Swaranakar said that this orientation is organized every year in the memory of the renowned doctor and teacher Dr. KD Gupta.
Vice Chancellor Dr Achal Gulati, Pro-Vice Chancellor Dr VK Kapoor, Principal Dr ND Soni, SMS Medical College Principal Dr Rajeev Bagrahatta, Chief Advisor Dr Sudhir Sachdev, Dr G N Saxena, Dr. were present in the program. Rajiv Gupta, Dr Sanjeev Gupta, Dr. Rajababu Panwar, Shri RR Soni, and a large number of doctors including Dr. Shobhit Swarankar, Mrs. Meena, Mrs. Harman, Mrs. Jayashree Swarankar were also present.