Film producers Sandip Ssingh and Amit Wadhwani have received death threats ahead of the re-release of their movie, PM Narendra Modi, in cinema halls. The biopic on the Prime Minister starring Vivek Oberoi will be the first film running in theatres when they open on 15 October. 

Industrialist Amit B. Wadhwani, co-producer of the movie, has lodged a complaint with the cyber cell on Monday morning after receiving death threats online. A Facebook account by the name of Optimistix took strong objection to his association with the movie. Posting an image of him and his infant son, the Facebook user threatened him with life going ahead to make slanderous remarks on his family. 

Sandip Ssingh, who has been in the news recently in the Sushant Singh Rajput case, has also received threats. 

Wadhwani after visiting the cyber cell stated, “I have been active on social media and contributing as a thought leader in the industry and also providing updates on the latest business moves and industry trends. As co-producer of PM Narendra Modi, I have received threat comments on social media warning me of dire consequences. While trolls are common and insignificant, the nature of threat and bringing in my family into this is disturbing for a law-abiding citizen and business leader like me. I wasn’t sure whether there is a wider nexus or pattern to it given the recent developments in Bollywood industry. I have filed an official complaint with the cyber cell who have assured me to look into this.”