After the death of DSP Dalbir Singh, a statement from his friend and police officer has emerged. According to A.D.C.P. Balwinder Singh Randhawa, around 2 am, a duty officer from Division 2 received information that a body was found near Basti Bawa Khel Canal. Upon reaching the site, it was discovered that the body was that of DSP, who had suffered head injuries. It was stated that a thorough investigation is underway to ascertain the depth of the case and whether it was an accident or not. CCTV cameras in the area are being examined.
Information reveals that DSP Dalbir Singh had gone out with his three friends for a New Year’s party. Subsequently, his friends dropped him near the bus stand, after which there were no traces of him. His friend Ranjit Singh mentioned that they received information in the morning about DSP’s body, in a gruesome condition with signs of violence. He mentioned that the area from which the body was found is not on the way to their home. The Joint Commissioner states that in the primary investigation, it appears to be a case of an accident.
It is suspected that DSP Dalbir Singh, walking at night, might have been hit by a vehicle, resulting in his death. Additionally, the area’s CCTV cameras are being examined to determine the causes of the incident. The police are conducting an investigation into various angles of this case.
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